
Tuesday 3 October 2017



 A.   Adverb (kata keterangan atau kata tambahan) adalah kata yang dipakai untuk menerangkan bagian dari tata bahasa (part of speech) yang mana saja kecuali kata benda dan kata ganti. Definisi yang diberikan dalam buku-buku tata bahasa Inggirs yang lain : adverb (kata tambahan) adalah kata yang dipakai untuk menerangkan kata kerja, kata sifat atau kata tambahan yang lain. Akan tetapi definisi ini ternyata salah, karena adverb boleh dan sangat sering menerangkan kata depan dan kata sambung.

a.       Kata tambahan (adverb) menerangkan kata kerja :
·         They work hard
·         She speaks English fluently

b.      Kata tambahan (adverb) menerangkan kata sifat :
·         He is very rich
·         It’s now too hot to play tennis

c.       Kata tambahan (adverb) menerangkan kata tambahan yang lain :
·         She sings very well
·         She works too hard

d.      Kata tambahan (adverb) menerangkan kata depan :
·         The cat was sitting almost outside the door
·         She arrived long before the time
·         The bee flew exactly over my head

e.       Kata tambahan (adverb) menerangkan kata sambung :
·         I want to know precisely how the accident happened
·         I like this place simply because this air is cool
·         I arrived at home shortly before the rain fell

B.     Kata tambahan (adverb) dapat menerangkan bukan saja kata-kata yang terpisah/tersendiri (terdiri atas sebuah kata), tetapi juga sebuah kalimat asertif atau assertive sentence (yaitu kalimat yang hanya menegaskan atau menyangkal sesuatu, tegasnya affirmative atau negative). Dalam hal ini kata tambahan harus diletakkan di posisi awal dalam kalimat.
·         Evidently your success depends chiefly on yourself
·         Unfortunately we don’t know much English

C.     Kata tambahan dibagi lagi dalam tiga golongan :
1.      Simple adverbs (kata tambahan sederhana)
Kata-kata tambahan ini dapat dibedakan dari yang satu dengan yang lain menurut artinya :
a.       Adverbs of time
·         I did this before and he has done at since
Kata keterangan waktu : now, then, since, before, ago, already, soon, immediately instantly, presently, lately, early, afterwards, today, yestreday, tomorrow etc.

b.      Adverbs of place
·         You may sit here
Kata keterangan tempat yang utama ialah : here, hence, thence, above, below, in, out, inside, outside, hither, within, without, far, near, etc

c.       Adverbs of number
·         I did it twice
Kata keterangan bilangan : twice, thrice, firstly, secondly, thirdly, always, never, often, seldom, sometimes, etc

d.      Adverb of manner, quality, or state
·         She did her work quickly
·         He did his work slowly
Termasuk golongan adverb ini : well, ill, badly, fluently, probably, thus, so, etc.

e.       Quantity, extent or degree
·         He is almost a heavy eater
·         You are quite right
Termasuk golongan adverb ini : very, too, quite, much, almost, little, somewhat, rather, so, half, partly, wholly=completely=entirely=totally, etc.

2.      Interrogative adverbs (kata tambahan penanya)
a.       Interrogative adverbs of time (kata keterangan penanya waktu)
·         When did you come?
·         How long will you stay here?

b.      Place
·         Where do you live?
·         When have they come?
·         Whither are you going?

c.       Number  
·         How often do you eat?

d.      Manner, Quality or State
·         How did you do that?
·         How are you today?

e.       Quantity or Degree
·         How far was that news true?

f.       Cause or Reason
·         Why did he leave?
·         Why did she cry?

3.      Relative adverbs (kata tambahan penghubung)
Kata tambahan ini dalam bentuk yang sama seperti interogative adverbs, tetapi sebagai pengganti untuk mengajukan pertanyaan, kata-kata itu menghubungkan dua kalimat menjadi sebuah kalimat. Oleh karena itu, relative adverb merupakan part of speech ganda- adverbs dan conjunction.
Relative adverbs berhubungan dengan antecedent (kata atau bagian kalimat yang mendahului kata ganti) yang dinyatakan mengerti, seperti yang dilakukan relative pronouns.

a.       Antecedent – dinyatakan
·         This is the house where we live
= di sini where merupakan adverb, karena ia menerangkan kata kerja live, sedangkan the house adalah antecedent.
·         Let me know the time when you will leave

b.      Antecedent – dimengerti
·         This is where (=the house in which) we live
·         Tell me what I should do for you

Monday 11 September 2017



present tense (all)


1.      Simple present tense
Events that happen at the present time in a simple form or a work /act, or facts or habits happen in regularly.

I/we/you/they   -->  INFINITIVE
He/she/it          -->  INFINITIVE + S

a.       Habitual
·         I go to school every day.
·         He usually eats an egg for breakfast

b.      Facts
·         A week has seven days
·         The sun rises in the east
·         The sun shines by day and the moon by night

Explain an act that is going on at the present time.

To be (am,is,are) + present participle (ing-form)

a.       an act that is going on
·         They are studying English now
·         She is eating fried rice right now

b.      an act that is going in while
·         She is reading now but she will write soon

c.       an act that is going on the future
·         We are writing again in a few weeks

3.      Present perfect tense
Explain an event that has happened in the past but still happen in the present.

I/we/you/they --> have + past participle
He/she/it        -->   has + past participle

Examples :
·         She has taught English since five years ago.
·         I have lived here for three years.
·         I have seen it.
·         I have heard this before
·         I have already seen him
·         Have you ever been there?
·         I haven’t ever been there.
·         I have never been there
·         The bus hasn’t stopped yet
·         The postman has not come yet but will come soon
·         The time has at last arrived
·         Finally, she has started to sing
·         I have just spoken to him
·         I have seen him recently.

4.      Present perfect continuous tense
Declare the act that started in the past and continues until now.

I/we/you/they      --> have + been + present participle
He/she/it             --> has + been + present participle

Examples :
·         I have been staying at his place this month
·         We have been waiting for you since eight o’clock
·         She has been studying English for over three years.

Time Signal
1.      Simple present

Every other day
Once in a while
Now and then
Twice a week
On and off

Once a week

Once a year , etc
Every day

As a rule
Every Sunday, etc

Every week


2.      Present continuous
This evening
At present
At this moment
Next week
Next month
Right now
This weekend
This morning
In a few weeks
This afternoon

3.      Present perfect

Up to the present time
Three times
Not yet
Several times
Since yesterday
So far
This week
For an hour
This month
For two years
This year
At last
Since 1980
As yet
Many times
Since an hour ago

4.      Present perfect continuous

Since …..
How long
The whole day
All (the) morning
Since eight o’clock
For over three years