
Friday 18 August 2017

Using Be - Part 1

English is Easy

1-1 Noun + is + Noun : Singular

Noun + is + Noun

(a)    Canada is a country
Singular means “one”
In (a) : Canada = a singular noun
             Is = a singular verb
             Country = a singular noun
(b)   Mexico is a country
 frequently comes in front of singular nouns.
In (b) : comes in front of the singular noun country.
A is called an “article.”
(c)    A cat is an animal
A and an have the same meaning. They are both articles. A is used in front of words that begin with consonants : b,c,d,f,g, etc.
Examples : a bed, a cat, a dog, a friend, a girl.
An is used in front of words that begin with a, e, i and o *
Examples : an animal, an ear, an island, an owl
 *An is sometimes used in front of words that begin with u
   Vowel = a, e, I, o, u
   Consonants : b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.

Exercise 1. Sentence practice.
Directions : Complete the sentence. Use an article (a or an)

1.      A horses is an animal
2.      English is ____ language.
3.      Tokyo is ____ city.
4.      Australia is ____ country.
5.      Red is ____ color.
6.      ____ dictionary is ____ book.
7.      ____ hotel is ____ building.
8.      ____ bear is ____ animal.
9.      ____ bee is ____ insect.
10.  ____ ant is ____ insect.

Exercise 2. Sentence practice.
Directions : Complete the sentence. Use a or an and the words in the list.

Animal                 Country            Language
City                      Insect                Sport

1.      Arabic is a language.
2.      Rome is a city.
3.      A cat is an animal.
4.      Tennis is __________
5.      Chicago is __________
6.      Spanish is __________
7.      Mexico is __________
8.      A cow is __________
9.      A fly is __________
10.  Baseball is __________
11.  China is __________
12.  Russian is __________

1-2 Noun + are + Noun : Plural

      Noun + are + Noun                                    

a.       Cats are animals.
      Plural means “two, three, or more”
       In (a) : Cats  = a plural noun
             are = a plural verb
             animal = a plural noun
b.      Singular : a cat, an animal
Plural : cats, animals
      Plural nouns end in –s
      A and an are used only with singular nouns.

c.       Singular : a city, a country
Plural : cities, countries
      Some singular nouns that end in –y have a special plural form : They omit the –y and add –ies
Noun and noun + are + noun
d.      Canada and China are countries.
e.       Dogs and cats are animals.
      Two nouns connected by and are followed by are. In (d) Canada is a singular noun. China is a singular noun. They are connected by and. Together they are plural, I.e, “more than one”.

Exercise 3. Sentence practice.
Directions : Change the singular sentences to plural sentences.

Singular                                                           Plural
1.      An ant is an insect.                                    Ants are insects.
2.      A computer is a machine                           ________________________
3.      A dictionary is a book                               ________________________
4.      A chicken is a bird                                    ________________________
5.      A rose is a flower                                      ________________________
6.      A carrot is a vegetable                              ________________________
7.      A rabbit is an animal                                 ________________________
8.      Egypt is a country                                     ________________________
9.      Winter is a season                                     ________________________           

Exercise 4. Sentence practice.
Directions : Complete the sentence.
Example :
Spanish is a language.
An owl is a bird
1.      A bear ___________
2.      Ant and spider ___________
3.      London __________
4.      Spring __________
5.      Carrot and lettuce  __________
6.      September and October__________
7.      Mexico and Canada __________
8.      A dictionary __________
9.      Chickens __________
10.  China __________
11.  Winter and summer __________
12.  Arabic __________

1-3 Pronoun + be + noun

      Pronoun + be + noun
a.       I  + am + a student
b.      You + are + a student
c.       She + is + a student
d.      He + is + a student
e.       It + is + a country
      Pronoun + be + noun
f.       We + are + students
g.      You + are + students
h.      They + are + students
i.        Rita is in my class. She is a student. 
j.        Tom is in my class. He is a student.
k.      Rita and Tom are in my class. They are students.
      Pronoun refer to nouns
      In (i) she (feminine) = Rita
      In (j) he (masculine) = Tom
      In (k) they = Rita and Tom

Exercise 5. Sentence practice.
Directions : Complete the sentence. Used a verb (am, is or are). Use a noun (a student or students)
1.      We are students.
2.      I _____________
3.      Rita _____________
4.      Rita and Tom _____________
5.      You (one person) _____________
6.      You (two person) _____________
7.      They _____________
8.      You and I ____________

1-4 Contractions with BE

      Pronoun + be à contraction
      I + am à I’m

      E.g. : I’m a students
     When people speak, they often push two words together. A contraction = two words that are pushed together.

      Contraction of a subject pronoun + be are used in both speaking and writing.

      PUCTUATION: the mark in the middle of a contraction is called an “apostrophe” (‘)
      She + is à She’s
      He + is à He’s
      It + is à It’s

      E.g. : She’s a student.
      He’s a students
      It’s a city.
      You + are à You’re
      We + are à We’re
      They + are à They’re

     E.g. : You’re a student.
     We’re students
     They’re students

Exercise 6. Sentence practice.
Directions : Complete the sentence. Use contraction (pronoun + be)
1.      Sara is a student. She’s in my class.
2.      Jim is a student. _____ in my class.
3.      I have one brother. _____ twenty years old.
4.      I have two sisters. _____ students.
5.      I have a dictionary. _____ on my desk.
6.      I like my classmates. _____ friendly.
7.      I have three books. _____ on my desk.
8.      My brother is twenty-six years old. _____ married.
9.      My sister is twenty-one years old. _____ single.
10.  Yoko and Ali are students. _____ in my class.
11.  I like my books. _____ interesting.
12.  I like grammar. _____ easy.
13.  Kate and I in an apartment. _____ roommates.
14.  We live in an apartment. _____ on Pine street.
15.  I go to school. _____ a student.
16.  I know you. _____ in my English class.

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