
Wednesday 20 September 2017

Expression Of Quantity

Expression Of Quantity

expression of quanity


Expressions of quantity : Many, much, a few , a little

a.       I don’t get many letters
Many is used with plural count nouns
b.      I don’t get much mail
Much is used with noncount nouns
c.       Ann gets a few letters
A few is used with plural count nouns
d.      Tom gets a little mail
A little is used with noncount nouns

Expressions of quantity : all of, most of, some of, almost all of

a.       Rita ate all of the food on her plate
b.      Mike ate most of his food
c.       Susi ate some of her food
all of, most of and some of express quantities.
All of = 100%
Most of = a large part, but not all
Some of = a small or medium part
d.      Matt ate almost all of his food
All of = 100%
Almost all of = 95 %-99 %
Almost id used with all, all cannot be omitted

Expressions of quantity : one of, none of

One of + plural noun
One of is followed by a specific plural noun, as in (a). it is incorrect to follow one of with singular noun
a.       Sam is one of my friends.
One of + PL. noun + singular verb
When one of + plural noun is the subject of sentence, it is followed by a singular verb.
b.      One of my friends is here
c.       None of the students was late
d.      None of the students were late
In (d) : not one of the students was late.
None of = not one of
The verb following none of + plural noun can be singular, as in (c) or plural as in (d).

Expressions of quantity : Some and any

a.       Alice has some money
Use some in affirmative statements.
b.      Alice doesn’t have any money
Use any in negative statements
c.       Does Alice have any money?
d.      Does Alice have some money?
Use either some or any in a question
e.       I don’t have any money. (noncount noun)
f.       I don’t have any matches. (plural count noun)
Any is used with noncount nouns and plural count nouns.


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