
Sunday 20 August 2017

Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense

Apa yang kamu fikirkan saat pertama kali meliat gambar di samping? Mungin ada yang bertanya-tanya mengapa ada gambar seperti itu dimateri kali ini?

 Kali ini kita akan membahas tense yang sering digunakan. Apa hubungannya dengan gambar itu? Gambar tersebut secara tidak langsung menjelaskan apa saja kegiatan yang kita lakukan setiap hari.

 Nah, materi ini sangat berkaitan maka dari itu mari kita lihat penjelasan secara ABC (Accurate, brief and clear)

Form and basic meaning of the simple present tense (Affirmative)

1st person
2nd person

3rd person
I talk
You talk

She talks
He talks
It rains
We talk
You talk

They talk
Notice : The verb after she, he, it (3rd person singular) has a final –s -à talks
(a)    I eat breakfast every morning.
(b)   Olga speaks English everyday
(c)    We sleep every night.
(d)   They go to the beach every weekend
(e)    She wakes up every morning at 07.00
The simple present tense expresses habits.
In (a) : eating breakfast is a habit, a usual activity. Every morning = Monday morning, Tuesday morning, Wednesday morning, Thursday morning, Friday morning, Saturday morning and Sunday morning.

The simple present tense : Negative form
(a)    I
do not
do not
do not
do not
drink coffee
drink coffee
drink coffee
drink coffee
Notice in (b) : in 3rd person singular, there is no –s on the main verb, the final –s part of does.
Incorrect : She does not drinks coffee
(b)   She
does not
does not
does not
drink coffee
drink coffee
good taste
(c)    I don’t drink tea
They don’t have a car
Contractions :
Do not --- don’t
Does not --- doesn’t

People usually use contractions when they speak
People often use contraction when they write.
(d)   He doesn’t drink tea
Mary doesn’t have a car

The simple present tense : Yes / no questions (Interrogative)
Main verb
Notice in (e) : the main verb in the question does not have a final –s. The final –s is part of does.

Incorrect : does she likes coffee?

Are you a student?
Incorrect : do you be a student?
(a)    Do
(b)   Do
(c)    Do
(d)   Do

(e)    Does
(f)    Does
(g)   Does

like coffee?
like coffee?
like coffee?
like coffee?

like coffee?
like coffee?
taste good?
Short answer
Do, don’t, does and doesn’t are used in the short answers to yes/no questions in the simple present.
(h)   Do you like tea?

(i)     Does Bob like tea?
Yes, I do
No, I don’t

Yes, he does
No, he doesn’t

Exercise : Chapter review
Direction : Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

I (have) ________ two roommates. One of them, Sam, is always neat and clean. He (wash) ________ his clothes once a week. (you, know) ________ Matt, my other roommate? He (be) ________ the opposite of Sam. For example, Matt (change, not) ________ the sheets on his bed. He (keep) ________ the same sheets week after week. He (wash, never) ________ his clothes. He (wear) ________ the same dirty jeans every day. Sam’s side of the room (be, always) ________ neat, and Matt’s side (be, always) ________ a mess. As my mother always (say) ________, it (take) ________ all kinds of people to make a world.  


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