
Friday 8 September 2017




(a)    Coordinating Conjunctions

1.      Cumulative 

He didn’t write, and I didn’t fell at rest.
Both … and
He was both degraded and expelled.
He is both a drunkard and a coward.
He is honest, and you also.
As well as
He as well as you is guilty.
No less than
He no less than you is guilty.
Not only... but
Not only I, but all the other men declare this to be true.
Not not…but also
That man was not only accused, but also convicted.
She is not only beautiful but also clever.
Now that I am older, I understand better.

2.      Alternative

Either … or
Either that boy sinned or his parents.
Neither …nor
He was neither an opium-smoker nor a drunkard.
I neither saw him nor heard him.
You or Thomas is wrong.
Don’t approach a step nearer or you will killed.
Run, else you’ll be late.
You must take rest, otherwise you will lose your health.

3.      Adversative
He is poor, but honest.
She is rich, still she isn’t contented.
She is rich, yet she isn’t contented.
He is clever man, nevertheless he often make mistakes.
I’d like to go however I haven’t the time.
Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.
I thought it was gold, whereas it was only brass.
Mahogany is a hard wood, while pine is soft.
While I like the color, I don’t like the shape.
You may sit down, while I stand.
He fainted while watching soccer.
The book is interesting, only too long.
I’d have come, only I didn’t know.

4.      Illative
He was out of health and therefore he couldn’t go to school.
It is time to go, so let us start.
So then
It is time to go, so then let us start.
If you wrong, then you must admit it.
It is going to rain, for the barometer is falling.  

(b)   Subordinating Conjunctions

1.      Apposition 

Principal/main/independent clause
Dependent Clause
He made a promise
that he would return soon.

2.      Cause and reason

Dependent Clause
We can do nothing,
as he refuses
He couldn’t go
because he was ill.
He will succeed
since he has studied hard

3.      Result and effect

Dependent Clause
He ran so fast
that he made himself tired

4.      Purpose

Dependent Clause
He ran fast,
that he night not be late
He shouted at the top of,
in order that he might be heard
We eat,
so that we may live
He worked hard,
lest he should fail

5.      Requisite

Dependent Clause
I will go out tomorrow,
if it is fine
I will come,
unless I hear to the contrary
I will come,
provided I am well enough
He talks,
as if he were drunk
We must do as we are told,
whether we wish it or no

6.      Concession
Dependent Clause
He worked hard,
even though he was tired
He is an honest man,
though/although he is poor
He will never succeed,
however much he may try
He is still asleep,
notwithstanding that he has

7.      Comparison 

·         She is as tall as I am
·         He is as clever as you
·         She is as good as she is wise
·         He is more clever than you
·         The sea is deeper than the mountains are high

8.      Degree 

Dependent Clause
The business will prosper,
according as it is judiciously managed.
The train hasn’t arrived yet,
as far as I know
Men will reap,
as they sow.

9.      Time

Dependent Clause
She called on her neighbor,
as the clock struck six
I will go,
as soon as he comes
You can sit down,
while I stand
The earth will go around the sun,
while the world lasts.
I will help you,
as long as I live
He studied very hard,
before he succeeded
With here,
until I return
You must study hard,
ere you can gain your end
I will go,
after he leaves.
She has been much stronger,
since she recovered from her illness.


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